Role of children and youth in environmental protection 

Feb 22, 2025
Jharana Giri

The surroundings that we live in are called the environment. It consists of air, water, sun, wind and land. Environment is the only home for living beings. People are directly or indirectly dependent on the environment for their survival and livelihood. We not only get basic needs like food, water, medicine, shelter, etc from the environmental resources but also almost all our needs are fulfilled from the environmental factors. Due to this people have started to use the environmental resources more than it is needed. If this goes on we will soon face the scarcity of the environmental resources as we can’t live without them. 

Nepal being a landlocked country even though with a small length and width contains a diverse background of natural resources extending from Himalayas to Terai region. Due to its distinguished characters and beauty, it has been renowned as a tourist destination all over the world. Each year many tourists travel to Nepal to see its natural beauty and enjoy the environment. However, the beauty of Nepal is in danger due to the climate change that has been fast tracked in recent years by human’s selfish motives. Although having negligible emissions of Greenhouse Gases(GHGs), Nepal is in the frontline for facing the vulnerable impacts of Climate change. Floods, landslides, avalanches, storms, untimely rainfall, drought,  and so others are some of the impacts of climate change that we have faced in recent years. Due to these impacts not only human livelihood is being affected but also the environment and its factors are affected. It has also put the future of Nepalese at risk. If it carries on, soon the beauty of Nepal will collapse and the factors from which Nepal is renowned all over the world will remain as history. So in order to protect the beauty of Nepal and conserve the resources for future generations we youths and children can play a vital role. 

Childrens are the future of the nation whereas the youths are the bridge between them. It is said that if we need to give a shape in mud, we need to use the soft and wet soil.The eco-friendly practices like reduce, reuse, recycle, save energy, reduce the use of plastic and fossil fuel and to drive into sustainable living, the age group of children and youth can easily adapt and bring these practices into action. Similarly, Youths can create awareness, run campaigns to protect the environment, capacitate the community, share the learnings in their friends circle and also adopt in their life which will help us to have a sustainable future. They can also include the voices of actual victims of climate change and  advocate for injustice and loss and damage that Nepal has faced in resources and livelihood due to the emissions done by developed countries at local, national and international levels and pressurize the stakeholders to implement the policies in action which will help us bring climate policies in action.

In the same way, children can also be part of the journey of climate action where they can fight together, raise voice against injustice and protect the environment. The younger generations are more creative, enthusiastic and innovative. With proper capacity training and education they can make innovations that bring less or almost zero harm to the environment. They can also easily drive environmentally friendly practices in their life and help us bring a sustainable future . It will not only help us to protect our environment but also protect our future. Thus the continuous demand and supply goes on without any disturbance and no one will have to face the scarcity. The sustainable future and the beauty of nature is in the hands of youths and children.Their willingness to protect the environment will surely drive us to a greener and safer future. It is never too late to start the journey to protect the environment afterall we are not only protecting the environment, but protecting our home and our bright and safe future.
