International intervention

Nepalese Youth participation in the UNFCC started from Bangkok intersession where 4 Nepali youth attended the Bangkok intersession and then 2 Nepali youth attended the Barcelona intersession. Though Nepali youth participated in the UNFCCC since last year but they are quite active in the international youth climate movement. In both the intersession at Bangkok and Barcelona it was Nepalese youth who intervened on behalf of International Youth. There was a good representation of Nepalese Youth in Copenhagen where they really worked hard to raise Nepal’s mountain issue and also worked with the youth international counterparts.
7 Nepalese youth participated in Copenhagen, COP 15, 2 youths in Cancun, COP 16 and 3 youths in Durban COP17 and 2 youths in Doha COP18.
During COP 15 Nepalese youth organized press conference where youths from Bhutan, Nepal, India, Kenya and Peru shared the climate change impacts on the mountains of the country and Importance of the mountains to the people in their country and also organized Mountain Action inside Bella center and also handed over the petition to Indian environment minister Jai ram Ramesh expressed “deep concern” over the remarks of environment minister Jairam Ramesh that the link between the receding Himalayan glaciers and climate change cannot be “conclusively established”. In an effort to connect the people and the media to the Nepali negotiators in Copenhagen, NYCA organized a teleconference on December 18 2009.